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The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog has launched! Hosted by The Marbury Law Group PLLC, The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog will be a forum for legal and business commentary, plus resources related to the rapidly emerging field of technologies that enable people to control machines through their thoughts or allow machines to read our minds.
The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog has its roots in our work counseling clients through several technology cycles. Revolutionary technologies have a life cycle: from birth, as break through concepts become technologically feasible; through adolescence as inventors create new products that are snatched up by first adopters; to mainstream maturity when products become significant segments of the economy; and then eventually to old age or retirement as new technologies take their place. No longer concepts of science fiction, brain-machine interface technologies are past the proof of concept stage, and are entering a growth spurt that will be fueled by the creativity and research of the next generation of inventors and entrepreneurs. Like previous technological revolutions, as mind-reading technologies become products and services that transform our lives, new legal issues will arise, requiring new laws and new business regulations.
Inventors and entrepreneurs creating next generation products using brain-machine interface technologies will face unique legal challenges in protecting their intellectual property. And, their inventions and products will raise new legal issues. The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog will explore these unique legal issues, providing suggestions and strategies for protecting intellectual property by addressing new legal issues in the brain machine interface world of our future. We will focus on legal issues that inventors, entrepreneurs and investors should understand in order to secure intellectual property rights in brain machine interface technologies. We will also explore other legal issues raised by the technologies that should be considered by startup companies. Additionally, The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog will post general information relevant to those interested in these new technologies.
Initial posts will cover the role of patents in securing rights in brain machine interface technologies; strategies for developing and protecting such technologies to patenting requirements; licensing issues related to brain machine interface technologies; the role of artificial intelligence and challenges posed for patenting brain machine interface technologies, patent portfolio strategies; implications of government research funding; and research and development considerations for emerging companies in the brain machine interface space.
Future posts will explore other legal issues that entrepreneurs and startup companies should address as they develop and market brain machine interface tools, products and services.
If the legal implications and issues of brain machine interface technologies are of any interest to you, be sure to frequently check the The Brain Machine Interface Law Blog as new content will be continually added.
If you have questions about intellectual property in general, please check out our IP Basics blog at for short text and audio articles on patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and the basics of protecting and enforcing your intellectual property.