About the Brain-Machine Interface Law Blog

We believe the next technological revolution will center around technologies that enable people to control and communicate with machines through their thoughts alone.  Brain-machine interface technologies offer significant advantages over keyboards, graphical user interfaces and speech recognition.  Already, applications of brain-machine interface technologies are emerging from universities and attracting venture capital investments as new and improved products are developed.  What was until recently in the realm of science fiction is about to become a reality with the potential to alter our lives in many ways over the next few decades.

Inventors and entrepreneurs will face legal issues protecting intellectual property in brain-machine interface technologies that previous technologies have not.  Also, products and services leveraging brain-machine interface technologies will raise new legal issues as thoughts become data and thoughts can cause actions.  The Brain-Machine Interface Law Blog focuses on the unique legal and intellectual property challenges that will be faced by brain-machine interface inventors and entrepreneurs.  Our goal is to provide resources and advice for innovators, executives and investors in this exciting new technology.